American Flag blowing in the breezeKellovision presentsAmerican Flag blowing in the breeze

The Wacky Laws Homepage

Legal stuff:  The following list of laws includes laws that were put on the books but have been forgotten.  Although it is Kellovision's intention to have authentic wacky laws, mistakes are made. This page is purely for entertainment. In other words, if you're a law student, don't use this as a source. We are not liable for anything that has to do with anything.

American Flag Bar

Click on the states to view Wacky Laws

Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California
Colorado Connecticut Delaware D.C. Florida
Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana
Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine
Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi
Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada NewHampshire
NewJersey NewMexico NewYork N.Carolina N.Dakota
Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania RhodeIsland
S.Carolina S.Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah
Vermont Virginia Washington W.Virginia Wisconsin

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Other pages done in Kellovision
The Kellovision Homepage
The Censor 2000 Homepage
The "This is not a Hawaiian Punch Homepage" Homepage
